Polar Agents With Differentiation Inducing Capacity
Potentiate Tumor Necrosis Factor-Mediated Cytotoxicity
in Human Myeloid Cell Lines, Part 4
This article was received February 28, 1994; accepted
August 29, 1994.
The present study demonstrates that treatment of human
myeloid cell lines with polar, low molecular weight
agentswith differentiation-inducing capacity results
in augmented cellular sensitivity to TNF cytostasis/cytotoxicity.
The potentiating effect of these agents was found at
doses which did not result in inhibition of proliferation
but which did not induce any cell death, even upon prolonged
incubation. Of several compounds tested, DMSO seemed
to be the most potent in enhancing TNF action. DMSO-induced
potentiation occurred in those cells that are forced
by DMSO to mature towards the monocytic (the myeloblast
KG1, the myelomonocytes U937 and THP1, and the monocyte
MonoMac627, 49
or the granulocytic phenotype (promyelocyte HL60. 24
In contrast, cells which are described to be unresponsive
to DMSO-induced differentiation (erythroleukemia K56224
could not be sensitized to TNF by DMSO treatment.
Several investigators have shown that DMSO can act
as a protective agent against TNF cytotoxicity on cell
types of diverse origin, including fibrosarcomas and
myosarcomas. 50-52 We also
found that DMSO partially protected some fibrosarcoma
and carcinoma cells from TNF cytotoxicity. As far as
we know, DMSO has not been tested before on cell lines
that are highly susceptible to the differentiation-inducing
capacity of DMSO, e.g., leukemic cells. This
could explain the opposite effect of DMSO on TNF cytotoxicity
that we observed in these cells (i.e., potentiation
I instead of protection). This effect of DMSO might
be related to the mechanism of TNF-induced cell killing.
In sarcoma cell lines, TNF induces mainly necrotic cell
death, whereas leukemic cell lines are mainly killed
by an apoptotic mechanism. 53
The necrotic form of cell death is characterized by
lysis of the plasma membrane. In contrast, apoptotic
cell death is a process that involves plasma membrane
blebbing and internucleosomal genomic DNA fragmentation
by nuclear endonucleases, resulting in DNA multimers
of about 180 to 200 basepairs. 54
However, we gathered evidence that the opposite effects
of DMSO on TNF cytostasis/cytolysis in different cells
are not related to the way TNF kills these cells.
A trivial explanation of our finding of DMSO-induced
potentiation of TNF action could be that DMSO induces
a state of inhibition of protein or RNA synthesis, which
could then result in enhanced TNF sensitivity as induced
by treatment with, for example, actinomycin D or cyclohesimide.
11 Such an explanation
would also be suggested by the observation that DMSO
treatment resulted in cell growth inhibition. However,
we found that DMSO-pretreated U937 cells are still able
to be induced by lipopolysaccharide to high production
of IL-16,55 suggesting
that DMSO-induced TNF potentiation cannot simply be
explained by a mechanism similar to that described for
potentiation induced by protein or RNA synthesis inhibitors.
TNF is believed to initiate its biological activities
mainly through specific binding to cell surface TNF
receptors. 28-29 A recent
report, however, describes the ability of TNF to insert
directly into the hydrocarbon core of phospholipid bilayers
without interaction with TNF receptors. 30
Acidification, which resulted in increased TNF insertion,
was found by the same authors to increase killing ol'
U937 by TNF. They presented evidence that TNF has ion-channel
forming capacity in planar Iipid bilayer membranes.
31 This was further substantiated
by their observation that TNF altered the Na+
permeability of U937 cell membranes. As published data
suggest that DMSO can stabilize cellular membranes and
decrease membrane fluidity,32-33
a possible explanation for our observation of DMSO-induced
potentiation of TNF action could be that DMSO induced
changes in membrane characteristics, leading to, for
example, a facilitated TNF insertion and enhanced non-receptor-mediated
cytotoxicity. Our findings, however, do not favor the
latter possibility. First, non-specific binding of [125I]TNF
was found to be unaltered upon DMSO treatment, indicating
that TNF did not become increasingly intercalated at
random into the membrane. Moreover, agonistic antibodies
to the p55 TNF receptor could mimic the effect of TNF
in DMSO-pretreated cells. In addition, TNF mutants with
gradually lowered biological activity on the p55 TNF
receptor showed a concomitant decrease in bioactivity
on DMSO-pretreated U937 cells. The amino acid changes
that had been introduced into these TNF mutants did
not alter the gross physico-chemical characteristics
of the TNF molecule. 35
Moreover, these changes are all located at the outside
of the TNF molecule, so that they most probably do not
affect the putative ion-channel formed between the subunits
of the TNF trimer. Taken together, our data suggest
that the action of TNF in DMSO-pretreated cells is largely,
presumably exclusively, mediated by the bona fide p55
TNF receptor and not by intercalation of TNF in the
cellular membranes. Moreover, DMSO was found even to
reduce TNF receptor expression, despite its potentiating
effect on TNF cytotoxicity. At present, the relevance
of reduced TNF receptor expression, if any, in enhanced
TNF sensitivity is unclear. One could speculate that
DMSO might potentiate TNF receptor mobility and/or receptor
cross-linking by TNF. As cross-linking of TNF receptor
by TNF is crucial for TNF activity,35-36
this phenomenon would result in enhanced signalling
by the remaining TNF receptors. However, published data
do not support the latter possibility. For example,
concanavalin A receptors become immobilized within 36
h during DMSO-induced differentiation of neuroblastoma
cells. 57
At present, the mechanism of potentiation of TNF action
by DMSO is unclear. As this effect seems to be restricted
to myelold cell lines, which differentiate with DMSO
towards the monocytic or granulocytic phenotype, and
as this action of DMSO can be mimicked by other differentiation-inducing
agents, it is reasonable to suggest that the TNF-enhancing
action of DMSO is related in one way or another to its
differentiation-inducing capacity. As in the case of
DMSO, TNF has been shown to possess differentiation-inducing
potency as well,12 but
it is yet unknown whether TNF and DMSO have a similar
mechanism of action in this respect. Several hypotheses
have been proposed to explain the mechanism of DMSO-induced
cellular differentiation; for example, an alteration
of cellular membranes. 32
In this respect, Lyman and co-workers32
measured the temperature of the lipid phase transition
from the gel to the liquid-crystalline state in artificial
phospholipid membranes, and found that DMSO induced
the appearance of a new transition at higher temperatures,
implying a stabilization of the membranes and a decrease
in membrane fluidity. Concentrations of DMSO needed
to induce these altered membrane characteristics correlate
well with those needed to induce differentiation. 32,
33 However, the sensitization to subsequent
TNF-induced cytotoxicity is most probably not directly
related to an induction of physico-chemical changes
in the membrane bilayer by DMSO. First, there is a need
for a prolonged preincubation period with DMSO to augment
the cells' susceptibility to TNF. Second, membrane constituents
of the different myeloid cell lines tested are expected
to be largely similar. Nevertheless, some of these are
sensitive to the TNF-potentiating effect of DMSO (U937,
THP1, MonoMac6), whereas others (K562) are not. Third,
only small differences between U937 and U937·DMSO
cells were observed concerning TNF internalization and
degradation, suggesting no gross changes in membrane
An alternative mechanism of DMSO-induced cellular differentiation
has been proposed by Tanaka et al.,58
who suggest that the freely diffusible DMSO acts on
the nucleus by changing the conformation of DNA or DNA-protein
complexes, resulting in enhanced transcription of genes
regulating differentiation. Indeed, during differentiation,
the pattern of cellular gene expression is largely altered,
resulting in the induction of some genes (e.g.
fos, jun) and the silencing of otliers
(e.g. myc, myb). Concomitantly,
DMSO could selectively alter the expression of genes
regulating the TNF susceptibility of the cells, for
example, by partial or total reduction of the expression
of TNF protective proteins. This agrees with the requirement
for prolonged preincubation periods with DMSO. Alternatively,
it is possible that the exposure of the genomic DNA
to the cellular transcription machinery also exposes
the DNA to cellular endonucleases, rendering it sensitive
to degradation. We found that a 24-h treatment with
DMSO alone, which results in strong TNF-potentiating
effects, did not induce fragmentation of genomic DNA.
In addition, Gunji and co-workers59 found that DNA fragmentation during DMSO-induced monocytic
differentiation of U937 cells only became detectable
at later time points (from 72 h on). In contrast
to DMSO, a 4-h treatment with TNF alone induced some
apotototic DNA degradation, an effect which was found
to be drastically enhanced upon DMSO pretreatment. It
is at present unclear whether TNF-induced DNA degradation
is due to activation of otherwise inactive cellular
endonucleases, or to the fact that protected genomic
DNA becomes "exposed" to a pre-existing endonuclease
by modulation of gene expression by TNF.
The question remains whether other, e.g., non-polar
differentiation inducers such as phorbol esters, retinoic
acid, or 1,25(dihydroxy)vitamin D3 can potentiate
cells to the cytotoxic effects of TNF. This has not
been described in the literature or observed by ourselves.
Phorbol esters were shown by Unglaub et al. 60
to down-regulate TNF sensitivity in several myeloid
cell lines via a down-modulation of TNF receptor expression.
A second differentiation inducer, 1,25(dihydroxy)vitamin
D3, similarly induced resistance to TNF-mediated
killing in myeloid cells although the underlying mechanism
is not completely resolved as yet. 61
Retinoic acid was found to modulate p75 TNF receptor
expression on HL60 cells, but not to modulate cytotoxicity.
621621. We observed similar
effects on TNF cytotoxicity by phorbol esters and retinoic
acid on our myelold cells (unpublished data). Thus,
the induction of differentiation does not seem to constitute
the only prerequisite to potentiation of myelold cell
lines. Other, and possibly multiple, effects seem to
be required which depend on rnore individual chemical
characteristics of the differentiation inducer. In particular,
DMSO has been involved in affecting the oxidative metabolism
of cells. 63 We have accumulated
evidence that points in this direction (manuscript in
Several polar molecules are being used as differentiating
agents in clinical trials for the treatment of acute
myelold leukemia. 64, 65
Here, we show that DMSO strongly potentiates TNF-induced
cytolysis in myclold cells. Possibly, a combinatorial
in vivo administration of physiologically acceptable
doses of DMSO-related differentiation agents together
with TNF might contribute to a more successful treatment
of acute myelold leukemias.
We thank Drs. A. Raeymackers, X. Van Ostade, and M.
Brockhaus for generously providing cytokines and mAbs,
Dr. J. Plum for help in flow cytometry analyses, and
P. Hellin and J. Lievens for their artistic contributions.
B.V, is a Senior Research Assistant with the NFWO.
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the Authors
Stany Depraetere, Jean Willems, and
Marcel Joniau
Interdisciplinary Research Center, Laboratory
of Biochemistry, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Campus
Kortrijk, B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Bart Vanhoesebroeck and Walter Fiers
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University
of Ghent, K.L. Lodeganckstraat 34, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Volume 57, January,
1995, pages 141-151. DMSO Organization would like to
thank the publishers of the Journal of Leukocyte
Biology for allowing us to place this article on
the World Wide Web. The publisher retains all copyright.
No portion of this article may be reprinted without
the permission of the publisher.
For reprint information: please submit your requests
to Marcel Joniau, Interdisciplinary Research Center,
Department of Biochemistry, K.U. Leuven Campus Kortrijk,
B-8500, Kortrijk, Belgium.