As many of you know, we have been involved with DMSO research for almost a half a century.
The literature on this agent is voluminous. There are just shy of 1 million scientific articles. We will post a few
new articles of the most important research findings every 2 weeks. Please check back often for the new postings.
Dimethyl sulfoxide/Indirect action/NHEJ/Oxidative stress.
The radioprotective effects of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have been known for many years, and the suppression of hydroxyl (OH) radicals induced by ionizing radiation has been thought to be the main cause of this effect. However, the DMSO concentration used was very high, and might be toxic, in earlier studies. In the present study, we administered a lower, non-toxic concentration (0.5%, i.e., 64 mM) of DMSO before irradiation and examined its radioprotective effects.
Methyl Sulfone Induces Loss of Metastatic Properties and
Reemergence of Normal Phenotypes in a Metastatic
Cloudman S-91 (M3) Murine Melanoma Cell Line
Joan McIntyre Caron, Marissa Bannon, Lindsay Rosshirt, Jessica Luis, Luke Monteagudo, John M. Caron,
Gerson Marc Sternstein
Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut, United States of America
Background: The most deadly form of cancer is not lung or colon, breast or prostate; it is any cancer that has become
metastatic. Mortality due to metastatic melanoma, one of the most aggressive and deadly cancers, has increased steadily
over the last several decades. Unfortunately, the arsenal of chemotherapeutic agents available today is most often
unsuccessful at extending and improving the life expectancy of afflicted individuals. We sought to identify an effective and
nontoxic agent against metastatic melanoma.